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meet our


Meet Our Pastor

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Since their marriage in 1978, Walter and Roxanne Willford have served congregations in Lethbridge, AB., Weyburn, SK., Medicine Hat, AB. and Rolling Hills, AB. Walter also served as Director of Youth and Christian Education for Western Canada. Prior to their move to Coronach, Pastor Willford served as the Executive Director of Katepwa Lake Camp.


They have three children - Marlyssa, Jeradan, who married Jillana in 2011 and Joshua.


Walter was born and raised in Coronach, SK and attended school there through grade 10. He graduated from Weyburn Comprehensive High School in 1975.

Pastor Walter received his Bachelor of Arts degrees in Bible and Christian Education in 1984 from Northwest Bible College in Minot, ND. After completing his first two years of college Pastor Walter served as a church planter in Lethbridge, AB. In 1982 he returned to college and finished his degrees.


Pastor Walter is very enthusiastic and outgoing. He is very interested in serving a church that has a servant's attitude, down to earth ministries and wants to be involved in community activities. Though having pastored in bigger centers, he believes the work in smaller communities to be just as vital and necessary. He looks forward to being involved in the community of Hanna, meeting many new people and building friendships. You will find that he and Roxanne are very friendly, caring people.

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